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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hudson Update

Things have been hard. They just have been. This kind of thing takes its toll on a family. 
But I remain hopeful and prayerful that on the other side of this winter is a spring full of new beginnings.

Hudson's chemo

Cohen likes to lay in Hudson's bed with him

Blood drawn for CBC report

Cohen loving on his little brother
Silliness with my sweet Cohen John
We learned about the corner room. It's the biggest and has the nicest chair. We like the corner room. :) 

Some reading before bed. We love Knuffle Bunny, and Cohen found the Pigeon in this book!
We aren't the only ones with cabin fever...Hattie with her backpack full of water for a walk.

My Bible study girls put snack bags together for me to take to the hospital, and each one has a verse  in it. 

The boys playing together after Hudson's third round of chemo was over
Cohen's new overly-cheesed-cheesy grin
Hudson is trying to learn how to sit up.
Mommy is up and running as fast as she can from 5:30 every morning until about 10 or 11 at night. I try really hard to get a good nursing session in before work, and this was after one of them. My happy boy.
We got this outfit for Cohen with good intentions. Both boys grew way too fast to wear it (we forgot it existed during the time it would have fit Hudson, and once we pulled it out of storage it was too small), but we love them in it just the same. 
We try to do little crafts or projects after work with Cohen for some family time.

Chemo was making Hudson a little sleepy, so his jammies on this day were appropriate.
More sitting practice
The always smiling boy. He had just vomited. I had just given him a dose of Zofran, but you'd never know it by this giggling face.

Dr. Dole said his physical examination was close to a normal baby's. He is achieving all of his milestones on time. He is growing and gaining weight. His fourth chemo will be the last week in February. We will wait three weeks then do a CT scan for Dr. Dole and our surgeon, Dr. Meager to look at for decisions on surgery. We will try to save at least one adrenal gland, but we found out that it is actually two tumors instead of one. One on each adrenal gland, so he may have to lose both and be on a supplement for the hormones the adrenal produces for the rest of his life. 

Please pray for complete healing. 
Please pray for our family.

1 comment:

  1. I have faith that you can get through this! You are an exceptionally strong family <3 Much love and many prayers are being sent your way :)
